AR Archives - Alpha3D Generate 3D models from text and 2D images Fri, 03 Nov 2023 14:17:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AR Archives - Alpha3D 32 32 What’s the difference between Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR), Mixed (MR) and Extended Reality (XR) Thu, 02 Nov 2023 14:05:16 +0000 In this article, we’ll dive deep into explaining the differences between and applications for Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR), Mixed (MR) and Extended Reality (XR).   From the early days of rudimentary virtual simulations to...

The post What’s the difference between Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR), Mixed (MR) and Extended Reality (XR) appeared first on Alpha3D.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into explaining the differences between and applications for Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR), Mixed (MR) and Extended Reality (XR).


From the early days of rudimentary virtual simulations to today’s lifelike digital integrations, the journey of immersive tech has been nothing short of revolutionary.


But what exactly are those “technologies”? Immersive tech can be categorised into three larger groups: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR). Collectively they make up yet an extra term – Extended Reality (XR). XR is a relatively new concept but it has already transformed the way we interact with both the digital and physical worlds.


Understanding the nuances and distinctions between AR, VR, MR, and XR is more than just a matter of semantics. Each offers a unique experience and has specific applications across industries, from entertainment and gaming to healthcare and education. As these technologies continue to evolve and shape our future, grasping their individual characteristics and potential applications becomes crucial for innovators, businesses, and consumers alike.


Of course, all these immersive experiences are built using 3D models, so if you’d like to give a go on creating your own, then Alpha3D AI 3D Model Generator is a good starting point.

The Virtuality Continuum

At the heart of understanding immersive technologies lies the concept of the Virtuality Continuum. This continuum represents a spectrum that spans from a wholly real environment to an entirely virtual one. Imagine a sliding scale: on one end, you have the real world as we know it, untouched by digital influence. As you slide towards the other end, digital elements begin to overlay and then completely replace the real world until you’re immersed in a fully virtual space.

Virtuality continuum extended reality

The relevance of the Virtuality Continuum becomes evident when we start categorizing different immersive experiences. For instance, Augmented Reality (AR) resides closer to the real-world end of the spectrum, where digital elements are merely superimposed onto our physical surroundings. In contrast, Virtual Reality (VR) sits at the opposite end, offering a fully digital environment that detaches users from the real world.


Mixed Reality (MR) occupies a unique space in the middle, merging the real and virtual to such an extent that digital and physical objects can interact in real-time. Extended Reality (XR) serves as an umbrella term that encompasses the entire spectrum, highlighting the seamless merge of real and virtual environments.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes digital information, such as images, videos, or sounds, onto the real world. Unlike Virtual Reality, which creates a wholly artificial environment, AR integrates and overlays virtual data on real-world scenes in real-time.


The magic of AR lies in its ability to bridge the digital and physical realms. By using devices like smartphones, tablets, or specialized AR glasses, users can see the real world around them with an added layer of digital content. This content can be as simple as static images or as complex as interactive 3D models.


One of the most iconic examples of AR in action is the mobile game Pokémon Go. Players use their smartphones to find and capture virtual creatures called Pokémon, which appear as if they’re in the player’s real-world location. The game became a global phenomenon, showcasing the potential of AR to create engaging and interactive experiences.


In terms of devices and technologies, AR has seen significant advancements. While smartphones and tablets remain popular for AR applications due to their accessibility, specialized devices like the Microsoft HoloLens or Magic Leap One offer more advanced and immersive AR experiences. These devices, often referred to as smart glasses or AR glasses, overlay high-definition holograms onto the user’s view, allowing for more intricate interactions with digital content.



Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is a digital experience that immerses users in a simulated environment. Unlike AR, which augments the real world with digital elements, VR replaces the real world entirely, transporting users to a virtual space created by computer graphics.


The essence of VR lies in its ability to create a sense of presence. When users don a VR headset, they’re not just observing a digital world; they’re immersed in it. This immersion can be so profound that users often feel as if they’re truly “inside” the virtual environment, experiencing it firsthand.


VR experiences can vary in their level of immersion. As we move up the immersion scale, we encounter room-scale VR, where users can physically move within a limited space, and their movements are mirrored in the virtual world. The pinnacle of VR immersion is fully-immersive VR, where users are completely engrossed in the virtual environment, often with the aid of motion controllers and external sensors.


Several devices have become synonymous with high-quality VR experiences. The HTC Vive offers precise tracking and a vast library of VR content. The Meta Quest is a standalone VR headset that doesn’t require a PC, making VR more accessible to a broader audience.


virtual reality vr

Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed Reality (MR) stands at the intersection of the real and virtual worlds, blending elements from both to produce new environments where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real-time. It’s a fusion of our tangible reality with the boundless possibilities of the virtual realm.


Unlike AR, which simply overlays digital content onto the real world, MR goes a step further. It not only superimposes but also anchors virtual objects to the real world. This means that these digital objects are aware of and can interact with their physical surroundings. For instance, a virtual ball in an MR environment could bounce off a real-world table.


The true magic of MR is witnessed in its interactive nature. Digital and physical elements can influence and respond to each other, creating dynamic experiences. Imagine collaborating on a digital project with colleagues from around the world, with holographic projections sitting right on your real-world conference table, or visualizing a piece of furniture in your living room before making a purchase, and being able to interact with it as if it were really there.


When it comes to devices that bring MR to life, the Microsoft HoloLens 2 stands out. This cutting-edge piece of technology offers immersive mixed reality experiences with apps and solutions that enhance collaboration, creativity, and productivity.


Extended Reality (XR)

Extended Reality (XR) is an all-encompassing term that captures the vast spectrum of experiences combining the real and virtual worlds. It serves as a blanket term, covering the specific realities we’ve discussed—Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR)—as well as any future innovations in immersive technology.


The beauty of XR lies in its flexibility. Rather than being tied to a specific technology or experience, XR represents the broader vision of a reality enhanced by digital interventions. Whether it’s through overlaying digital information on the real world, immersing users in a completely virtual environment, or anything in between, XR captures the essence of these transformative experiences.


The potential of XR is vast and continually evolving. Industries ranging from healthcare to education and retail are tapping into the promise of XR to enhance user experiences, streamline operations, and create new avenues for engagement. As technology advances and becomes more accessible, the applications and impact of XR will only continue to grow.


Extended reality xr use cases

Real-world applications of immersive technologies

The transformative power of Extended Reality (XR) is not just confined to theoretical discussions; its impact is palpable across various industries, revolutionizing how we work, play, learn, and even heal.


XR in gaming: The gaming industry has been at the forefront of adopting and innovating with XR technologies. Games like Beat Saber and Half-Life: Alyx offer immersive experiences that transport players into intricately designed virtual worlds. These games leverage the full potential of XR, providing not just visual immersion but also haptic feedback and spatial audio, creating a holistic gaming experience.


half life alyxImage credit: Forbes


XR in healthcare: The healthcare sector is witnessing a paradigm shift with the integration of XR. Surgical simulations allow medical professionals to practice complex procedures in a risk-free environment. XR is also playing a pivotal role in rehabilitation, helping patients recover motor skills or cope with chronic pain through guided virtual exercises.


xr surgery medicalImage credit: MediView XR/PRNewswire


XR in retail: The retail landscape is being reshaped by XR, offering customers novel shopping experiences. Brands are leveraging virtual try-ons for apparel, eyewear, and even makeup. Augmented shopping experiences, where customers can visualize products in their real environment before purchasing, are becoming the norm, enhancing consumer confidence and reducing return rates.


virtual try on vto


XR in education: Education is undergoing a digital transformation, with XR playing a central role. Whether it’s virtual field trips that transport students to historical sites or interactive 3D models that make complex scientific concepts accessible, XR is enhancing learning by making it more engaging and experiential.


vr field trip education


As we journey through the digital age, the lines between our physical reality and virtual realms continue to blur, thanks to the groundbreaking advancements in immersive technologies. From the augmentation of our real world with digital elements in AR, the complete immersion into virtual environments with VR, the dynamic blending of both in MR, to the all-encompassing spectrum of XR, each technology offers a unique perspective and set of possibilities.


The horizon for these technologies is vast and ever-expanding. As they become more integrated into our daily lives, industries from healthcare to education, retail to entertainment, will undergo transformative shifts. The potential of immersive technologies lies not just in their ability to create novel experiences but in their power to redefine how we learn, work, play, and connect. If you’re interested in exploring more on this, an interesting e-book was written by Cathy Hackl and Lily Snyder on how immersive wearable technologies can transform our daily lives in the future.


The future beckons with the promise of a world where our physical and digital realities are seamlessly intertwined, opening doors to experiences we’ve yet to imagine.



1. What is the main difference between AR and VR?

AR (Augmented Reality) overlays digital content onto the real world, enhancing our existing environment. In contrast, VR (Virtual Reality) immerses users in a completely virtual environment, detaching them from the real world.


2. How does MR differ from AR and VR?

MR (Mixed Reality) stands at the intersection of AR and VR. It blends elements from both, creating environments where digital and physical objects coexist and interact in real-time. Unlike AR, which simply overlays digital content, MR anchors virtual objects to the real world, allowing them to interact with their physical surroundings.


3. What does XR encompass?

XR (Extended Reality) is an umbrella term that captures the entire spectrum of experiences from the wholly real to the fully virtual. It includes AR, VR, MR, and any future immersive technologies.


4. Are there any health concerns associated with using VR?

While many users have positive experiences with VR, some might experience motion sickness or dizziness. It’s essential to take regular breaks, ensure the headset fits correctly, and start with shorter sessions to acclimate to the VR environment. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.


5. Which industries are benefiting the most from immersive technologies?

Immersive technologies are making waves across various sectors. Healthcare is using VR for surgical training and patient rehabilitation, education is leveraging AR for interactive learning, the gaming industry is continually innovating with XR experiences, and retail is offering augmented shopping and virtual try-ons.


6. Are immersive technologies affordable for the average consumer?

The cost of immersive technologies has been decreasing over the years, making them more accessible to the average consumer. While high-end devices like the Microsoft HoloLens 2 might be on the pricier side, there are affordable VR headsets and AR apps available for smartphones.


7. What’s the future of immersive technologies?

The future of immersive technologies is promising, with continuous advancements and broader applications. As the technology becomes more refined and accessible, we can expect even more integration into our daily lives, transforming how we work, learn, and play.


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Introducing: Alpha3D Extension for NVIDIA Omniverse Tue, 08 Aug 2023 16:56:29 +0000 You can now automatically import your 3D models, generated with Alpha3D, directly into NVIDIA's Omniverse! The Alpha3D extension for Omniverse makes it fast and easy to create 3D experiences in Omniverse.

The post Introducing: Alpha3D Extension for NVIDIA Omniverse appeared first on Alpha3D.

We are collaborating with NVIDIA to extend the capabilities of Alpha3D to the NVIDIA Omniverse platform. The Alpha3D extension for Omniverse provides a new level of convenience and efficiency for 3D model generation, speeding up the workflows of designers, artists, and developers.


What’s Alpha3D?

Alpha3D is a generative AI-powered platform that transforms 2D images or text prompts into 3D models in a matter of minutes. It democratizes the process of creating 3D content for augmented reality, virtual reality, and immersive virtual experiences, making it faster, cheaper, and easier than ever before.


What’s NVIDIA Omniverse?

NVIDIA Omniverse is a platform for connecting and developing Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD)-based tools and applications. It accelerates the creation of virtual worlds and advanced 3D workflows for industrial digitalization. Built on OpenUSD, NVIDIA RTX, and AI technologies, Omniverse is a modular, fully composable software platform that scales from workstation to cloud, enabling developers to build advanced, scalable solutions with minimal coding.


How does the Alpha3D extension for NVIDIA Omniverse work?

The Alpha3D extension for Omniverse streamlines the 3D model generation process by integrating Alpha3D directly into the Omniverse platform. With this extension, designers, artists, and developers can import their 3D assets from Alpha3D directly into their USD-based workflows and applications, taking advantage of a host of unique benefits, including:


  • Democratised 3D creation process. Regardless of their level of expertise in 3D modeling, designers, artists, and developers can transform 2D images and/or text into 3D digital assets via the Alpha3D platform in minutes and immediately use them in their workflows.


  • Streamlined workflows that allow creators to sync their Alpha3D account with Omniverse and import their AI-generated models directly into Omniverse. This seamless integration makes it fast and efficient to navigate between the two platforms, saving time and eliminating the need to download and re-upload 3D files.


How to get started

It’s easy to start taking advantage of Alpha3D in Omniverse. You’ll need both an Alpha3D account and Omniverse, then follow the steps below.

Generate 3D models from 2D images in Alpha3D

  • Create an account on Alpha3D (if you don’t already have an existing account).
  • Generate 3D models with Alpha3D: Upload 2D images of objects or use text prompts to generate 3D models in minutes.
Create 3D models with AI


Open Alpha3D assets in Omniverse

Get started with NVIDIA Omniverse by downloading the standard license free, or learn how Omniverse Enterprise can connect your team.

  • Sign into your Omniverse account.
  • Find Alpha3D in the extensions tab and enable the extension. This will prompt you to log in to your account.


Alpha3D NVIDIA omniverse extension


  • The 3D assets from your Alpha3D account will be automatically imported.


import 3D models to nvidia omniverse


  • If you don’t have any 3D assets generated on Alpha3D yet, you can pick a stock 3D model from the Alpha3D Gallery in the Alpha3D Omniverse extension.


Alpha3D NVIDIA omniverse 3d models


  • Drag and drop the 3D asset you’d like to continue with.




  • Manage and deploy your 3D assets in Omniverse. After your 3D models have been selected, they will be available for management and deployment in the Omniverse platform.

Get started building your own immersive digital experiences with Alpha3D in Omniverse. Check out these developer resources to learn how you can integrate the Alpha 3D extension into your own Omniverse workflows and applications.

The post Introducing: Alpha3D Extension for NVIDIA Omniverse appeared first on Alpha3D.

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2D image to Virtual Reality: A step-by-step guide to using Alpha3D with Spatial Wed, 12 Jul 2023 09:59:56 +0000 In this article, we’ll take you though a tutorial on how to use Alpha3D and Spatial together to create an immersive experience for free. We’ll also look at some of the potential use cases for this workflow.

The post 2D image to Virtual Reality: A step-by-step guide to using Alpha3D with Spatial appeared first on Alpha3D.

The digital landscape has been rapidly evolving, and two technologies that have been making significant strides are 3D modeling and virtual reality. These technologies have revolutionized various sectors, from gaming and entertainment to education and real estate, offering immersive experiences that were once thought to be part of a distant future.

The global market size of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is forecast to hit $296.9 billion in 2024, indicating a significant increase in the adoption and application of these technologies. Furthermore, the global VR/AR market is expected to see a 77% compound annual growth rate from 2019-2023.

In this context, tools like Alpha3D and Spatial have emerged as game-changers.

In this article, we’ll take you though a tutorial on how to use Alpha3D and Spatial together to create an immersive experience for free. We’ll also look at some of the potential use cases for this workflow.


Take a tour of our Alpha3D showroom in spatial.

Alpha3D on Spatial

Understanding Alpha3D and Spatial

Alpha3D is an AI-powered platform that democratizes the process of creating 3D models, allowing users to transform 2D images or text prompts into 3D assets.

On the other hand, Spatial is a platform that allows users to share and explore 3D experiences across various platforms including web and VR. It offers a wide range of features including a Creator Toolkit powered by Unity, avatar customization, the ability to build your own 3D world, and hosting tools for virtual events.

Together, Alpha3D and Spatial provide a comprehensive solution for creating and experiencing 3D content. Alpha3D allows users to easily create 3D models from 2D images or text prompts, and Spatial provides a platform where these models can be brought to life in an immersive 3D environment. This combination of tools opens up a world of possibilities for various professionals, from digital artists and educators to marketers.

Step-by-Step guide to creating an immersive space with Alpha3D and Spatial

First off, we’re going to create our 3D model. Generating 3D models with Alpha3D AI Labs is a straightforward process.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Sign up to a free account on Alpha3D website. Your first 50 3D models are free.

2. Upload a 2D Image or use a text prompt to generate a 3D model. Alpha3D will automatically transform it into a 3D asset.

3. Wait for the transformation process. After uploading the image, Alpha3D’s AI will start the rendering process in the background. The time it takes will depend on the complexity of the image but it averages around the 5 minute mark.

4. Download your 3D model. Once the 3D model is ready, you can view and interact with it, and if you’re happy with the result, download it. You can download the file in .glb, .fbx and/or .usd format.

Download Alpha3D 3D model

Once you have your 3D models ready from Alpha3D, you can import them into Spatial to create your 3D world.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Visit the Spatial website and sign up for a free account.

2. Start a new space. Navigate to the “Create a space” button at the top right of your screen and start a new space. You’ll see some template spaces to choose from and customize. This will be the 3D world where you’ll import your 3D models.

creating a new space on Spatial

3. Import a 3D model. Upload the 3D model file that you downloaded from Alpha3D by clicking on the “+” button at the bottom of your screen.

Uploading 3D models to Spatial Upload 3D model to Spatial


4. Place your 3D model. Once the model is uploaded, you can drag and place it within your environment. You can adjust its size, orientation, and position as needed by double clicking on the 3D model.

Positioning and modifying models on Spatial

We’ve created an Alpha3D showroom on Spatial that you can visit and roam around in.

Practical Applications

The combination of Alpha3D and Spatial can be beneficial to various professionals. Here’s how different demographics can use this workflow:

Digital artists and designers

Digital artists and designers can use Alpha3D and Spatial to create immersive 3D experiences for their projects. They can transform their 2D sketches or designs into 3D models using Alpha3D and then import these models into Spatial to create a virtual environment. This can be particularly useful for presenting their work to clients or for creating interactive art installations.

Educators and trainers

Educators and trainers can use these tools to create interactive, immersive learning experiences. For example, a history teacher could create a 3D model of a historical artifact using Alpha3D and then create a virtual museum in Spatial where students can explore and interact with the artifact. Similarly, corporate trainers could create 3D models of equipment or facilities for virtual training sessions.

Marketers and advertisers

Marketers and advertisers can use Alpha3D and Spatial to create engaging, interactive promotional materials or virtual showrooms. For example, a marketer could create 3D models of products using Alpha3D and then set up a virtual store in Spatial where customers can explore the products in a 3D environment.

Real estate professionals and interior designers

Real estate professionals can use these tools to create virtual tours of properties or developments. They can create 3D models of furniture using Alpha3D and then set up a virtual tour in Spatial where potential buyers can explore the property in a 3D environment.

Event planners

Event planners can use these tools to create virtual events or experiences. For example, they could create 3D models of a venue using Alpha3D and then set up a virtual event in Spatial where attendees can explore the venue and interact with each other.

These are just a few examples of how different professionals can use the workflow of Alpha3D and Spatial. The possibilities are virtually endless, and as these technologies continue to evolve, they are likely to open up even more opportunities.


The digital landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, and technologies like 3D modeling and virtual reality are at the forefront of this evolution. Tools like Alpha3D and Spatial are making these technologies more accessible, allowing a wide range of professionals to create and experience immersive 3D content.

Whether you’re a digital artist looking to present your work in a new way, an educator aiming to create interactive learning experiences, or a marketer wanting to set up a virtual showroom, the combination of Alpha3D and Spatial offers a powerful solution.

This article has guided you through the process of using these two innovative tools together, from creating 3D models with Alpha3D to bringing them to life in a 3D world with Spatial. The step-by-step guides provided should help you get started with these tools, regardless of your level of expertise in 3D modeling or virtual reality.

As we move further into the digital age, the ability to create and experience 3D content is becoming increasingly important. By exploring the possibilities of Alpha3D and Spatial, you can stay ahead of the curve and make the most of the opportunities these technologies offer.

The post 2D image to Virtual Reality: A step-by-step guide to using Alpha3D with Spatial appeared first on Alpha3D.

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Alpha3D and TRYME partner up to revolutionize AI-generated 3D eyewear Tue, 27 Jun 2023 11:10:28 +0000 Alpha3D and TRYME are thrilled to announce a partnership that will advance the field of AI-generated 3D model creation in eyewear. Alpha3D, a generative AI-powered 2D image to 3D model generation solution, and TRYME,...

The post Alpha3D and TRYME partner up to revolutionize AI-generated 3D eyewear appeared first on Alpha3D.

Alpha3D and TRYME are thrilled to announce a partnership that will advance the field of AI-generated 3D model creation in eyewear. Alpha3D, a generative AI-powered 2D image to 3D model generation solution, and TRYME, a virtual try-on platform for eyewear, will bring their unique capabilities together in a collaboration that marks a significant step forward in the integration of AI and 3D modeling technologies.

About Alpha3D and TRYME

Alpha3D has made a name for itself by transforming text prompts or 2D images into 3D digital assets in mere minutes. The platform breaks down barriers by allowing anyone, regardless of their 3D modeling knowledge, to create digital assets in a cost-effective and timely manner. It is as simple as using text prompts or uploading 2D images to the Alpha3D app, and the AI handles the rest. The digital assets, which are compatible with any 3D environment, can be used in various applications, from Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Virtual Try-On (VTO) to gaming, the Metaverse, and even as NFTs.

On the other side of this partnership, TRYME offers a seamless AR experience using its virtual try-on solution. Their plug-and-play software, powered by face AR technology, provides real-time interactions for customers across websites, e-commerce platforms, and in-store experiences. This ability for customers to virtually try on an entire eyewear collection on any device adds a new level of engagement to the retail experience.

You can virtually try on eyewear with TRYME here.


The Essence of The Partnership

In this partnership, TRYME will cooperate in the training of Alpha3D’s AI on complex eyewear. This will enable Alpha3D to further train its generative AI, refining its ability to automatically generate high quality 3D models of glasses and sunglasses from single shot 2D image inputs in minutes.

“This partnership is a monumental step forward for both companies,” stated Madis Alesmaa, CEO at Alpha3D. “The fusion of TRYME’s comprehensive 3D model data with our generative AI technology will revolutionize how eyewear models are created and presented to customers.”

Impact of The Partnership

This partnership will reshape the customer experience in the eyewear industry. With TRYME’s extensive 3D eyewear model expertise and Alpha3D’s powerful generative AI, the ability to create a wide array of 3D eyewear models will be significantly accelerated and simplified. This will streamline the process of creating diverse eyewear collections for virtual try-on experiences, making it more accessible and immersive for customers.

Looking ahead, this partnership aligns with both Alpha3D’s and TRYME’s strategic direction of pushing the boundaries of technology to create the best possible customer experience, driving innovation and transforming the way products are digitally visualized.

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5 pro tips for 3D designers to get started with designing 3D models for Augmented Reality (AR) Wed, 19 Apr 2023 11:32:09 +0000 Are you a 3D designer looking to get started with Augmented Reality (AR)? Look no further! We've asked, Dominik, 3D Lead at Alpha3D, for his five pro tips to help set you up for a good start!

The post 5 pro tips for 3D designers to get started with designing 3D models for Augmented Reality (AR) appeared first on Alpha3D.

Are you a 3D designer looking to get started with Augmented Reality (AR)? Look no further! We’ve asked, Dominik, 3D Lead at Alpha3D, for his five pro tips to help set you up for a good start!


Dominik is the 3D Lead at Alpha3D. He’s been working professionally as a 3D artist for over six years in the game development industry. He discovered his passion for 3D design early in university making first models for Unreal Engine and Unity projects just to pass programming classes, instead he fell in love with it and this love stays with him till this day ❤ You have to love what you do to be good at it! 


Dominik’ s first tip covers how to export your files in the right format for AR, including the necessary file types and how to easily export them. He also provides advice on how to test your 3D assets for AR using proper viewers and how to optimize their real-life scale. Finally, he discusses how to avoid “dirty” 3D models and the limitations of AR. Keep reading to learn more!

1. How to export your files in the right format for AR?

To properly view your models in AppleAR or ARCore for Android you need to export two types of formats: USDZ and GLB (or .gltf).


☝USDZ files can be used to display 3D models in the iOS AR Quick Look feature.


☝GLB is a binary file format used to store 3D models in the glTF (GL Transmission Format) format. It is designed for efficient transmission of 3D models and is supported by many 3D graphics software applications. GLB files can include textures and animations and can be used in a variety of applications, including VR/AR, games, and e-commerce.


You can export both files easily using the Substance Painter texturing tool. Additionally, if needed, GLB files can be exported from Blender and USDZ can be converted via Reality Converter on macOS devices using the previously exported GLB file. 

2. How to test your 3D assets for AR?

To easily check your GLB and USDZ models after exporting you have to use proper 3D model viewers.


To visually check GLB models you can use this viewer: I use it on a daily basis for quick testing in our 3D team.

3D model viewer

However, for testing USDZ files, it’s not as easy and straightforward for non-Apple users. If you do own an Apple device, all you have to do is send the USDZ file to your iPhone/iPad and open it in the Files folder Browser app. The built-in AR solution will automatically load your 3D asset in AR and 3D for you to test your model in AppleAR.


☝ If you’re using Alpha3D AI-generator to make our 3D models, you can just use our in-app viewer before you download the files.

3. How to optimize USDZ and GLB files for real-life scale?

When testing your model in AR you have to make sure that the correct real-life scale is applied to your model. It’s recommended to always create your models with real-life dimensions, if they’re available. When you export both AR formats from Substance Painter tool, you have to make sure that your GLB model imported to Blender has the scale of 100x bigger than original dimensions. Don’t worry, that’s actually a good sign. Now you know that if your GLB is 100 times bigger, your USDZ will have the perfect scale. All you have to do now is to scale down the GLB model in Blender by 100x and re-export.


4. How to avoid “dirty” 3D models?

3d design fork metal

If you see some “dirt” or compression artifacts on smooth, glossy and metallic surfaces, you can easily get rid of them by changing only one exporting option in the Substance Painter tool. When your model is ready and good to go just choose the Export Textures option and in Output maps you will find the normal map compression type set to “8 bit + dithering” by default. All you have to do is switch to just “8 bit” to get rid of the dithering – the cause of your “dirty” model.

5. Know the AR file size limitations!

To ensure that any AR solution or web GL online viewer works smoothly on every device you have to take into account the limitations of AR formats. One of the most typical requirements are the polycount hovering around up to 100k polygons/triangles, texture resolution up to 2048 px per one texture set and file size not exceeding 10mb. If you tend to see that your model file size goes above the limit even though it meets the polycount and texture resolution limits, try to lower the normal map details intensity and contrasts on patterns in different channels, especially base color and normal map. That can help you keep the file size in the limit.

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Seeing is believing: How is 3D design used in different industries in 2023? Tue, 18 Apr 2023 15:16:37 +0000 3D design is an innovative and powerful tool that has been gaining popularity across various industries due to its many benefits. From e-commerce and real estate to gaming and entertainment, 3D content can help to visualize and communicate complex ideas, create immersive experiences, and engage audiences in new and exciting ways. In this article we'll explore how 3D designs are used in different industries, from healthcare to gaming and e-commerce.

The post Seeing is believing: How is 3D design used in different industries in 2023? appeared first on Alpha3D.

So, before we get into the use cases and benefits, let’s start from the basics.

3D design refers to digital graphics that create a three-dimensional life-like representation of an object or environment, enabling augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences and allowing users to interact with it from different angles. One of the main benefits of 3D design is its ability to enhance visualization and user experience, making it ideal for use in the gaming, architecture, manufacturing, e-commerce, and entertainment industries.

By creating immersive experiences for users, 3D design can transport them to different worlds and enhance their engagement with the content. Additionally, 3D design has many practical applications for better visualization and communication with stakeholders.

3d alpha robot scan to view in AR

The interactive and immersive nature of 3D design is particularly suited to industries, where the user experience is critical to success.

So let’s jump in and look at some cool use cases from different industries for 3D design:


At the forefront of 3D design use cases, we’ll find the gaming industry. 3D design is crucial for gaming as it creates an immersive and interactive experience for gamers. With 3D technology, game developers can create realistic and visually stunning environments, characters, and objects, making the game world feel more lifelike and believable.

Moreover, 3D technology enables games to have more dynamic and complex gameplay mechanics, allowing players to interact with objects and characters in new and exciting ways. This adds a layer of depth and challenge to the game, keeping players engaged and invested.

Additionally to video games, 3D technology allows for the creation of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) games, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. These games allow players to enter fully-realized 3D worlds, interact with them in real-time, creating a truly immersive experience and enabling them to feel like they are part of the game world.

In short, 3D design is essential for the gaming industry as it enhances the overall gaming experience, creates more engaging gameplay, and allows for the development of new and exciting game genres like VR and AR games.


The augmented reality (AR) mobile game Pokemon Go was created by Niantic and The Pokemon Company. With its July 2016 debut, the game instantly went viral throughout the world.

In Pokemon Go, users explore the real world while catching virtual Pokemon monsters using their mobile devices. The game creates an AR experience where the player can view and interact with digital 3D Pokemon characters in the real world using GPS and the camera of their mobile device.


The metaverse is a virtual world that is being developed by combining different types of media and technology. One of the key components of the metaverse is 3D design, which is used to create immersive and interactive environments for users.

3D design can be used to create virtual objects, buildings, and landscapes, allowing users to explore and interact with the metaverse in a more realistic way. Additionally, 3D design can be used to create avatars and virtual representations of real-world people and objects, enabling users to interact with each other in a virtual environment. This not only provides a more engaging experience but also allows for new forms of social interaction and collaboration.

From Fortnite to Decentraland, the primary metaverse revenue opportunity consists largely of the existing gaming software and services as well as rising sales of gaming hardware.

Industry experts anticipate metaverse revenues of $800 billion by 2024, with steady 13.1% year-on-year growth. At the same time, 9.86 million VR headsets were shipped worldwide in 2021, and sales of 14.19 million were projected for 2022. So it’s no surprise that a lot of brands have already taken the leap into the metaverse.



decentraland 3d avatar

Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world that allows users to create, experience, and monetize their content and applications. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain and uses the decentralized nature of blockchain technology to enable users to own and control the digital assets they create and use in the virtual world.

In Decentraland, users can explore a vast virtual world where they can interact with other users and participate in various activities. They can create and customize their avatars, build their own virtual homes and buildings, and even design and program interactive games and experiences.

Decentraland’s use of 3D design creates a highly immersive virtual environment where users can explore and interact with the virtual world just as they would in real life. This creates a unique and engaging experience that enables users to express their creativity and engage with others in new and exciting ways.

Metaverse fashion week 2023

For example, every year the Metaverse Fashion Week is held annually in Decentraland. The event showcases the latest trends in virtual fashion and design and features a range of virtual runway shows, exhibitions, and presentations.

During Decentraland Fashion Week, designers, such as Dolce & Gabbana, Tommy Hilfiger, COACH, adidas, DKNY, and creators from around the world showcase their virtual fashion collections, which are created using 3D design. The collections are then presented in virtual runway shows, where users can watch and interact with the models and designs in real-time.


The use of 3D design is transforming the way e-commerce and online retail operate, enabling customers, specifically the new-age consumers: Millenials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha, to have a more realistic and immersive shopping experience.

3D design can be used to create virtual product tours, allowing customers to explore products from different angles and get a better sense of their size, shape, and texture. This helps customers to make more informed purchase decisions, reducing the likelihood of returns and increasing customer satisfaction.

Additionally, 3D design can be used to create virtual try-on experiences for clothing and accessories, enabling customers to see how products will look on them before they make a purchase. This not only provides a more engaging experience but also reduces the risk of customers receiving products that do not fit or meet their expectations. Moreover, 3D design can be used to create personalized products, allowing customers to customize products to their specific needs and preferences. By using 3D design in e-commerce and online retail, businesses can improve customer engagement, reduce returns, and increase sales.

– According to Shopify research, retailers who add 3D design to their stores see a 94% conversion lift on average

– In a 3D marketing study by Cappasity, 82% of participants used the 3D product view. In addition, the study says, “95% of respondents preferred an interactive 3D experience to video playbacks”

Amazon has discovered that user engagement increased by 66% with a 3D technology configurator compared to 2D marketing solutions.


virtual try on shoes

Wanna is an augmented reality (AR) sneaker try-on app that allows users to virtually try on and buy sneakers. The app uses AR technology to create a virtual 3D representation of sneakers that can be placed on the user’s feet, giving them a realistic and accurate impression of how the sneakers would look in real life.

Users can browse a wide range of sneakers from top brands, select a pair they like, and then use the app to virtually try them on. The app uses the camera of the user’s mobile device to scan their feet and create a 3D model that matches the shape and size of their feet. Users can then use the app to place the virtual sneakers on their feet and see how they look from different angles.

In addition to trying on sneakers, users can also purchase sneakers directly from the app, making it a convenient and seamless shopping experience. The app provides detailed information about each pair of sneakers, including pricing, size availability, and product specifications.

The innovative app that provides a fun and engaging way for users to try on and buy sneakers without having to leave their home. Its use of AR technology creates a highly realistic and immersive experience that can help users make more informed purchasing decisions.

Architecture and Real Estate

In architecture and real estate, 3D design is becoming an increasingly popular tool for creating accurate and detailed visualizations of buildings and properties. 3D modeling software allows architects and real estate developers to create realistic, interactive 3D models of their designs, which can be used to communicate ideas to clients, investors, and other stakeholders. These 3D models can be used to explore different design options, identify potential problems, and make necessary changes before construction begins, saving time and money. In addition, 3D design can be used to create virtual tours of properties, providing potential buyers with a more realistic and engaging experience of the property.

Additionally, by using augmented reality to overlay 3D models (such as furniture) onto real-world spaces for interactive design and planning, architects, interior designers, and real estate developers can create more accurate and detailed visualizations, which can help to improve decision-making and increase customer satisfaction.

Test it yourself! You can view this cupboard in 3D and place it in your space:

3D house attachment

Product Design and Manufacturing

In the case of manufacturing and engineering, 3D design offers engineers and designers a way to visualize and test designs before production. 3D design can be used to create virtual prototypes, which can be tested and refined in a virtual environment, allowing engineers to identify and fix potential problems before the product is manufactured.

Additionally, 3D designs can be used to create accurate visualizations of products, which can be used for marketing purposes. For example, 3D designs can be used to create product demos, explainer videos, and other marketing materials, giving potential customers a more engaging and realistic experience of the product. We’ve even seen some cool companies use 3D product models for market validation via their audience, before sending anything into production.

3D designs can be used to create custom products, allowing manufacturers to create unique products tailored to specific customer requirements. By using 3D designs in manufacturing and engineering, businesses can reduce costs, improve product quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

Alpha3D 3D tv scan to view in ar


Test it yourself! View an Alpha3D TV screen in 3D and AR 👆

Education and Training

The use of 3D designs in education and training have been growing in recent years, offering students and professionals immersive and interactive learning experiences. It is a known fact that the human brain processes visuals 60 000 times faster than text. 3D design can be especially useful in visually explaining complex concepts by simulating real-life scenarios.

For example, in medical education, 3D design is used to simulate surgeries and anatomy, allowing students to practice in a risk-free environment.

Additionally, 3D designs are used in industrial and vocational training to simulate complex machinery and equipment, allowing trainees to gain practical experience in a safe environment. AR also allows students to learn at their own pace, and the interactive nature of 3D content makes it easier for students to engage with the material. As the use of 3D designs continues to expand in education and training, it has the potential to transform the way we learn and acquire new skills.

3D designs also enable VR experiences in education making learning more interactive and engaging by providing students with virtual lab environments, field trips to museums, historical sites, other planets and even recreate a virtual hurricane right inside the classroom.


AR 3D in education

ClassVR is a VR platform designed for use in education. The platform provides a range of VR experiences and educational content that can be used by teachers and students to enhance learning, engagement and help students understand complex concepts and ideas in a more engaging and memorable way.

Teachers can use the platform to create and deliver immersive VR experiences that bring their lessons to life, covering subjects such as science, history, geography, and art.

Healthcare and Medicine

When it comes to healthcare practices, 3D designs can be used to create patient-specific models of anatomical structures, such as organs, bones, and blood vessels, allowing surgeons to plan and practice complex surgeries before they are performed. This not only reduces the risk of complications but also allows for more precise and effective procedures. In medical research, 3D design is used to create accurate models of biological systems, allowing scientists to study diseases, develop new treatments, and test medical devices in a virtual environment. By using 3D designs in healthcare and medicine, the industry can improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and accelerate the pace of medical innovation.

According to this study from Harvard Business Review, VR-trained surgeons had a 230% boost in their overall performance compared to their traditionally-trained counterparts.


Osso VR is a virtual reality (VR) platform that provides a realistic and immersive training environment for medical professionals. The platform uses VR technology to create lifelike simulations of medical procedures and surgeries that can be used for training and continuing education.

Users can interact with the VR simulations using hand-held controllers, which allow them to manipulate and operate virtual medical tools and equipment. The simulations are designed to be highly realistic, featuring accurate anatomical models and realistic physics and feedback.

Marketing and Advertising

3D technology is changing the future of the brand and consumer relationship. Using 3D designs in marketing and advertising can offer businesses a new way to create more engaging and immersive experiences for their customers.

3D designs can be used to create realistic and interactive product demos, explainer videos, and other marketing materials, allowing customers to experience products in a more engaging way.

Additionally, 3D content can be used to create virtual showrooms and stores, allowing customers to explore products in a virtual environment. This not only provides a more immersive experience but also enables businesses to showcase their products to a wider audience without the need for physical events. Another interesting use case for 3D content is personalized products, tailored to the customer’s unique needs and preferences. By using 3D designs in marketing and advertising, businesses can increase customer engagement, improve brand awareness, and drive sales.


Nikeland roblox

Let’s take Nike as an example, the retail giant has always been at the forefront of digital transformation. Artificial intelligence (AI), e-commerce, and in-store experiential technology have been integral to the brand’s strategy for many years. In fact, the brand was among the first multinational companies to introduce 3D technologies in their e-commerce business. And now, in a bet that the virtual world will forever transform the industry, has created virtual stores to drive e-commerce, and subsequently, new revenue streams.

What’s more, the retail giant has created a digital space, called “NIKELAND“, where visitors can enjoy celebrity appearances from sports stars, including LeBron James, as well as buy exclusive digital products to decorate their avatars with. They can also test their reactions and strategy skills with a number of games, with the opportunity to win even more products and rewards.

How to get started with 3D design?

Creating 3D designs is known to be costly and time-consuming. However, with tools such as Alpha3D’s AI-powered 3D content creation platform, you can generate 3D digital assets with just one 2D image input in just a few minutes. Feel free to use your own product images or use Alpha3D’s text-to-image AI feature to generate a brand new image to turn into a 3D model. Get started and generate your first five 3D models.

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What is VTO and how is it changing the future of e-commerce? Sun, 13 Nov 2022 00:30:46 +0000 Virtual try-on is a technology that lets consumers see how certain products look on them before they buy the item without actually touching it or ever having to step into the dressing room. Find out how VTO works in this article.

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What is Virtual Try-On (VTO)?

What comes to your mind when thinking about virtual reality (VR)? Maybe games? Headsets? Those are undoubtedly popular uses for VR, but we are sure you have already heard about virtual try-on and how it’s changing the way we buy clothes and wearables.

Virtual try-on is a technology that lets consumers see how certain products look on them before they buy the item without actually touching it or ever having to step into the dressing room. Watches, shoes, apparel, accessories, jewelry, and make-up, the sky’s the limit when it comes to virtual try-on.

How does virtual try-on work?

Virtual try-on for apparel usually blends computer vision, artificial intelligence, algorithms, and augmented reality (AR) to provide an immersive user experience. It may seem a lot but virtual try-on apps are very user-friendly and the whole process takes just a few seconds. A device with a camera (phone, iPad, etc) captures the consumer and detects more than 99 points on the human body, which allows the virtual try-on app to monitor the body position in real time. This assures that the 3D product stays in place even when the user moves their head or any other part of their body.

In general, virtual try-on can be experienced in three formats:

In-store virtual fitting rooms. With AR and AI technology, you can virtually overlay items in real time so you can check the size, style, and fit of the product. This technology can be found in the form of smart mirrors (smart displays), which use AI and gesture recognition to impose clothing or wearables on the customer’s image.

Mobile virtual try-on. With the help of AR visualizer apps such as WannaThreedium, and Aryel, you can virtually try on clothes, cosmetics, accessories, shoes, or furniture pieces in your space using your smartphone.

Desktop virtual try-on plugins. While online shopping, you will only need to turn on your webcam or upload a photo of yourself to see how the product fits you.

As you can see, the scenario may change but these formats are essentially the same thing; virtual techniques of dressing that provide a fun and immersive experience. At the end of the day,  each brand will decide which solution suits them the best according to their customers’ needs.

Why is virtual try-on better than in-person?

There are several reasons why virtual try-on apps are the next big thing. Let’s go through some of them from the consumer and business perspective.

Benefits for customers

It is not possible to be sure about how something looks unless it is tried on. For customers, having the chance to try the desired product provides the opportunity to actually experience it. Knowing how a product suits them removes one of the main negative features of online shopping and makes purchasing decisions much easier.

This will make the overall user experience better and more personal. And, at the same time, creates loyalty as customers are more likely to shop from the same brand again.

Benefits for businesses

There is no doubt that one of the main benefits of virtual try-on is it creates a great customer experience. But have you ever thought that virtual testing can also be a valuable source of information? You can track which products are selling the best, measure them, and arrange offers in various locations to meet the customers’ real needs.

Brands should seek to proactively solve questions and confusion about the products that may come up during online shopping. With virtual try-on technology, customers can imagine themselves in a range of styles and sizes before purchasing, which can help reduce the enormous costs incurred by the return of goods.

Best virtual try-on examples

Here are some of the many brands that are killing it with their virtual try-on solutions:


Wanna is a startup that launched its own sneaker try-on app, where people can discover fresh drops and classic sneakers with the help of augmented reality. Users can try on sneakers instantly on their feet regardless of where they are and then snap a photo.



In 2020, the online luxury fashion retail platform launched a feature on its app that allowed shoppers to try on sneakers and watches through AR before buying them.

Now, the company has partnered with Snapchat to introduce an apparel try-on tool. For example, a user simply stands in front of their camera and says, “show me a windbreaker jacket with a pattern”. The software will search and choose the ideal products from the brand catalog, and display the jacket on the user’s body allowing them to see how they fit and take screenshots to share with their friends.



Prada is also testing Snapchat’s virtual try-on tool. The Italian luxury fashion brand uses hand gestures technology to allow shoppers virtually try on various different bags. The users will only need to move away their phones, make a hand gesture, and signal to the camera every time they want to try on a different handbag.



In this case, it was a social media platform the one partnering with a retailer and an AR company, ModiFace, to offer virtual try on options on Instagram Shopping.

Some of the many Loreal brands that are using the tool are NYX, Urban Decay, Lancome and Maybelline. And it really is a perfect move to target shoppers in social media channels, especially on Instagram, where users search for beauty content and inspiration on what to buy.



Ikea was one of the first brands that introduced augmented reality into the furniture industry changing the way we shop for our homes.

Users can now preview how the desired piece of furniture will look in a room by simply pointing the camera at the space they want to fill.



Aryel is a SaaS marketing platform that helps brands and creative agencies to easily launch engaging WebAR marketing campaigns via drag and drop, publish them through a simple custom-URL, measure goals and conversions, and connect the campaign with the most used marketing tools. It is an all-in-one platform, no coding or apps are needed.


Why should brands add VTO to their future plans/strategy?

More than 61% of online buyers prefer to buy from brands that offer AR and VR. And it does not come as a surprise since this technology lets consumers have the freedom to try and choose products at their own pace, without feeling the pressure to make a purchase.

Boosts Sales

When somebody gets to see what a watch or a jacket will look like in real life and in real time, it’s not only impressive but also pretty persuasive.

Engaging and immersive experiences

Stands out from competitors. Instead of sticking to 2D images, VTO allows e-commerces to make more interactive content.

Increases brand awareness and engagement

While using virtual try-on technology, not only you can interact with the product, but you can also use it on social media to share the image, ask for style advice and engage with other followers.

Instead of just checking static images, with VTO, online shopping can become an experience that customers want to spend more time enjoying.

Better customer satisfaction

Being able to see how a specific piece of furniture would look in a real-life space through a mobile device means consumers have fewer doubts, as a result, retailers can see a decrease in the total number of product returns.


And where to start? Where to get the content?

For businesses to embrace virtual try-on, the first step is creating 3D models of their products. And here is where things can get tough because there’s no easy way of producing 3D content. For example, making a simple furniture object can take a whole team a week and thousands of dollars. Costs can get really high if you are an online store with a big catalog.

Luckily, at Alpha3D, we are building a platform to simplify and automate the creation of 3D digital assets from real physical objects with AI software in order to make Augmented Reality and virtual try on available for everyone.

With Alpha’s solution, businesses will be able to simply upload images of their products and receive a digital asset in a glb format, compatible with any metaverse, AR, and VR environment. As simple as that.


How does Alpha AR work?

One of the main goals brands have is to help create future immersive experiences that drive impact, visits, and revenue.

If your company is considering setting up a virtual-try-on feature for your consumers, take into account that this technology should be personalized for each brand, present products as realistically as possible and be easy to use. At Alpha, we offer a fully customized approach aligned with your business goals and expectations.

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VivaTech and Alpha3D to launch an Augmented Reality conference experience Fri, 18 Jun 2021 00:40:29 +0000 VivaTech has joined forces with the Estonian-based computer vision company Alpha3D to offer it´s visitors a next chapter of conference experiences through augmented reality technology. This cutting-edge approach gives VivaTech visitors a chance to be able to interact with the new innovations at their home or office.

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VivaTech has joined forces with the Estonian-based computer vision company Alpha3D to offer it´s visitors a next chapter of conference experiences through augmented reality technology. This cutting-edge approach gives VivaTech visitors a chance to be able to interact with the new innovations at their home or office.

VivaTech is bringing technologists together

VivaTech is Europe’s biggest startup and tech event. Co-organized by Publicis Groupe and Groupe Les Echos and dedicated to the growth of startups, digital transformation, and innovation, the 5th edition will take place from 16-19 June 2021. In 2019, the event reached 231 million people worldwide, bringing together 124,000 visitors including more than 13,000 startups, 3,000 venture capital firms, and 2,500 journalists from 124 countries. This year, VivaTech will provide a hybrid experience, in-person in Paris and online worldwide, that will bring together an even larger community of word class innovators.

Alpha AR – an AI-powered content generation tool for AR

The future is here with augmented reality becoming more common with each passing day. Usually, creating AR means a big budget spent on resources. Resources usually include 3D artists, designers and developers. Creating content for AR from scratch is very difficult in reality. It is not even a feasible experience for most businesses, which is why most do not even try.

Moreover, artificial intelligence and such concepts have led to the automation of so many processes that makes people’s lives easier. Augmented reality is another step in this process, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic prevailing now. This is where Alpha AR shines with their smart 3D generation solution.

Founded in 2018, Alpha AR’s team has built a successful business and technology, working with many well-known retail brands and AR developers.

In 2020, Alpha AR was able to grab a finalist’s place in the LVMH Innovation Awards. This award signifies that investors and others recognize the potential that Alpha AR carries with them.

What makes Alpha AR’s technology special is their unique AI-powered solution. According to Alpha AR`s co-founder Madis Alesmaa: “We are seeing that augmented reality is becoming a new standard, especially in a post-COVID19 world. We believe that making 3D content for AR services is much easier and more scalable while AI is doing most of the work. People are used to getting everything done as quickly and easily as possible.”.

The popularity of augmented reality trend is on the rise. Alpha AR has managed to take advantage of this and created a solution for exactly this reason.

Collaborating for the Future

VivaTech partnering up with Alpha AR is great for aspiring AR developers who want to know more. This is also a great chance for the Estonian startup to amplify human interactions and build better connections between VivaTech visitors through the new digital world.

Alexis Mulard from VivaTech explained: “This 5th edition has been a massive challenge for VivaTech… but also a wonderful opportunity to reinvent its format and experiences. This is why we explored our startup ecosystem and decided to work with Alpha AR – a 2020 LVMH Innovation Awards finalist – and its incredible team and technology to give life to our best innovations online! Its fast, qualitative, affordable and agile process allowed us to reinvent together the way we wanted our visitors to discover and interact with the latest technologies this year!”

It may seem like a farfetched reality, but not too long ago this was thought of as augmented reality itself. Pandemic or not, if Alpha AR is able to implement such a solution into the current market, it could shape the future of conference experiences.

With all that said, it should be of no doubt that the VivaTech 2021 event that will take place in 2021 is going to be heated.

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Reshaping Online Shopping in 2023 with Augmented Reality Sun, 17 Jan 2021 13:06:08 +0000 Online shoppers are rising day by day and this is not a temporary consequence. AR technology can really be the next big thing in a future not too far from now. Numerous e-commerce markets may see substantial revenue boosts as the reluctance of online shoppers is reduced when they envision the items from the convenience of their homes more clearly with their handset.

The post Reshaping Online Shopping in 2023 with Augmented Reality appeared first on Alpha3D.

Covid-19 alone has elevated the level of dependency consumers all over the world have on online shopping. Online shoppers are rising day by day and this is not a temporary consequence. AR technology can really be the next big thing in a future not too far from now. Numerous e-commerce markets may see substantial revenue boosts as the reluctance of online shoppers is reduced when they envision the items from the convenience of their homes more clearly with their handset. The main answer to ‘how is augmented reality changing online shopping?’ is that AR offers a smooth, convenient, and fast shopping solution for customers. That is because the internet shopping paradigm has grown at a massive pace in twenty years, competing head-to-head with physical stores.

Comparing AR to Current Online Shopping

Assessing whether a particular commodity is appropriate for them is probably the greatest challenge consumers face during online shopping. Here is where AR steps in to the rescue. AR will give shoppers trust that will inspire their buying choices in exchange. But why will AR rule over e-commerce sites in the upcoming years? Let us see why E-commerce will soon transform into A-commerce.

AR is Accessible To a Wider Audience

Augment reality can be experienced by anyone who has access to a phone or tablet. All they have to do is download an application, and they will be off to use AR in no time. In these modern times and more so in the future, the majority of the population owns or has access to tablets or smartphones. AR enables one to look deeper into digital shopping, producing stories of living, mutating, changeable shopping experience. Augmented reality technology resembles life in many ways. Sellers are also searching for ways to incorporate augmented reality technology into their shops in order to allow consumers to access the specific details available online while exploring the exact physical product using a smartphone at the same time.

Realistic Product Showcasing

Imagine furniture shopping: you need a particular rose-gold sofa set to match with your curtains, just as you envisioned, but how would you know it will fit in your room? This is where AR steps in. Using AR, one now can ensure their new furniture will fit in their space right next to the curtains. Augmented reality will help consumers connect with a brand. Most of the main problems of online retailers can be addressed by this. How great is that? Undoubtedly, e-commerce firms will quickly embrace augmented reality technology on a broader scale. Without visiting the actual store, people would be able to imagine and comprehend product features. This would raise user engagement to a great extent and result in a minimal rate of exchange or return. Even consumers who are not familiar with purchasing items will become satisfied online customers after checking these out.

Customer interaction is higher

AR enables authenticity and is therefore far more interactive than regular advertising material to convey a brand’s identity. The incredibly entertaining material invigorates consumers to engage repeatedly with the smartphone application. By using AR, individuals may adjust a product’s size and color or alter some other element with a simple touch. This has now made it much simpler to tailor items than in a traditional shop. Digital fitting rooms can help consumers pick the correct size and minimize returns on transactions. This virtual reality platform will also be used for advertising campaigns that incorporate AR to support materials.

3D Shopping experience

Whenever we are buying anything from an online platform, be it Amazon, eBay, or a mere Instagram page, we often worry about how it would look in real life. Augmented reality solves this issue by creating a 3D shopping experience, and that too online! This may be a revolutionary step for online retailing as a whole, though a bit too futuristic. However, the day is not far when built-in 3D looking products can be rendered by customers in their homes. Online businesses have to keep moving towards offering their clients many more interactive experiences at a certain stage of growth. ‘How is augmented reality changing online shopping?’ is an easy question to answer when it is understood that AR provides consumers ‘an almost real’ experience, being on the other side of the screen.

Creates more hype and money

The e-commerce industry is increasingly embracing the innovations of AR and VR. For a typical e-commerce company, the cost of creating augmented or virtual reality experiences is very high. However, costs are falling due to adaptability and greater advancement. Sales and the long-term success of any e-commerce company will be powered by a living and unforgettable experience. Despite the higher initial cost, firms have considered AR to be profitable. Augmented technology has become viral on the internet. Not only does it create a ‘personal’ exposure with the client, but also generates a buzz in the atmosphere, getting everyone into the conversation. Talking about the hype, the retention of new users is enhanced by word-of-mouth media. AR imprints the buying experience and thereby serves as a motivator for their buyers to ‘advertise’ to their friends and recommend how they can ‘test’ a product on the internet.


By encouraging online shoppers to try out items that used to just be pictures on a screen in the e-commerce context, AR will add originality to the shoppers’ circumstances. For advertisement, creating brands, product marketing, and user acquisition, augmented reality is on the rise. Prospects are nearly endless in this field. Research on the AR and VR market is underway, concentrating on how organizations should transform these prospects into reality. Consequently, this is supposed to reshape E-commerce into A-Commerce, in which each customer can strive for a more convenient buying experience with AR technology. E-commerce firms have to spend early and stay dedicated in order to acquire the maximum profits from it. The world of online shopping is being extended, but it is the consumers who have to make it happen.

The post Reshaping Online Shopping in 2023 with Augmented Reality appeared first on Alpha3D.
